Help shape the People and Communities Strategy for everyone in South Yorkshire

The NHS is changing in 2022 to make sure everybody works together to provide the best care for everyone. How you receive your care, and where from is unlikely to change. The change is happening to the organisations that commission your care.
Map outlining South Yorkshire

From July 2022 these organisations will become one – the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (to be known as NHS South Yorkshire)*

Integrated Care Boards and Integrated Care Partnerships are being set up across England to join up health and care services.  The aim is to improve health for everyone and to help break down the traditional barriers between hospitals and family doctors, between physical and mental health, and between NHS and council services.

We want an ongoing dialogue with patients and the public so that we can better understand what works for you about services and what could be better. As a patient, member of the public, or stakeholder who works with the public, we would love your feedback to help us shape our strategy. We want to understand what good involvement would look like so that we can shape our strategy based on how you want us to engage with you.

Doncaster CCG

For more information, and to find out how to get involved, please visit this website.

If you have any questions please contact:

[email protected]

*subject to the successful passing of the Health and Care Bill through Parliament