Event: The Great Get Together 2017

Healthwatch Doncaster designed and delivered an engagement campaign aimed at older people, adults, children and families who attend Doncaster Town Cricket Club. The campaign was co-designed and delivered with Doncaster Town Cricket Club.

Highlighted recommendations

  • People are more willing to share their stories and experiences when they are in a group or comfortable environment where they feel relaxed and engaged. This approach reinforces previous learning that there is better engagement with large groups when Healthwatch Doncaster ‘piggy-backs’ on to existing events rather than trying to develop and put on Healthwatch-specific events. This may be down to brand recognition and understanding of the role of Healthwatch Doncaster.
  • The outcomes of the stories and experiences shared by people are valuable. It is no surprise that the two most common areas for feedback were GP services and Hospital-based care. This is where most people currently access or have accessed health-based services. Again, the overall experience of local health services was positive – people do not often talk down health services – they praise the staff and the quality of the services but there are mention of waiting times and associated frustration.
  • This was a successful partnership event that should be replicated and emulated in other settings and localities in Doncaster. People and communities will share their stories and engage in conversations if the opportunities are integrated into their normal social routines, hobbies, sports or past-times.



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