Micro-Grant Report: Doncaster Central Learning Centre (2017)

Doncaster Central Learning Centre (DCLC) delivered six health conversation workshops targeting a small group of Black Minority Ethnic older people.


  • There were some health conversations briefly touched on that were not as part of the 6 topics that was in the application. These were issues for e.g. alcoholism and gambling addiction. However, through these conversations the group were able to contribute and to input into the BME Health Needs Assessment, towards identifying issues, priorities and solutions as part of the wider Health and Wellbeing strategy for Doncaster.
  • As a result of concerns for issues such as Cancer, the small group of individuals have made preliminary contacts with MacMillan to seek support in establishing a self help group. This will make a difference to help and understand others who had cancer and those who may have Cancer in the future. A meeting with Macmillan is scheduled for 30 Jan 2018.
  • To complete future survey forms with individuals, the group would require greater understanding about the needs of client first e.g. their culture, background, their learning style and the language used. We could only facilitate and consult with the Chinese speaking individuals, despite through this project we have engaged with other non English speakers e.g. 11 individuals from the refugee women creative group and 8 surveys completed by Asian women, plus individual Polish speakers. 


If you need this report in a different format, please email [email protected] or call 01302 965450  

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