Doncaster Council's Adult Social Care Peer Challenge Report

Doncaster Council have published their Adult Social Care Peer Challenge Report that contains the findings and recommendations including an excerpt below showcasing the work of Healthwatch Doncaster


Doncaster Council asked for a regional Adult Social Care (ASC) peer challenge as part of sector led improvement within the Yorkshire and Humber ADASS Region. The peer challenge was based on the Local Government Association (LGA) Adult Social Care areas of focus, but the specific priorities identified by the council for the team to focus upon within this framework were:

  • Recognise what has been achieved to date
  • Identify areas of focus going forward
  • Identify areas for development and improvement
  • Highlight areas of innovation and good practice

Showcasing the work of Healthwatch Doncaster

Healthwatch Doncaster's work on care home conversations was praised in the report:

"There is an effective Healthwatch in place which has positive relationships with the Council and the NHS. A particular example of this was the relationship with commissioning staff which has enabled the “Care Home Conversation” Project that Healthwatch has undertaken, with residents in care homes. Healthwatch would like to extend this approach so that the public in general can speak about their day to day experiences with Healthwatch as they would to their friends.”


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