Healthwatch Doncaster - Then and Now: Annual Report 2020-21

Healthwatch Doncaster responded quickly to meet the needs of local people throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Read our Annual Report: Then and Now to find our more about our work.

Reaching out and listening

We heard from 3567 people this year about their experiences of health and social care.

We provided advice and information through Zoom and Facebook and reached 91,196 people this year.

Responding to the Covid-19 pandemic

We developed 2 new services (in addition to maintaining support for all of our existing groups and networks) this year to support and engage with our local communities in the pandemic.

We engaged with 3567 people this year in our projects and surveys – their voices helped make changes and improvements throughout the pandemic

Making a difference to care

We published 8 reports about the improvements people would like to see to health and social care services.

100% of our reports have been shared locally and we are actively reviewing progress on the recommendations that we made.

Health and care that works for you

31 volunteers helped us to carry out our work. In total, they contributed 577 hours of valued and valuable time.

We employ 8 staff - 62% of whom are full time equivalent, which is the same as the previous year.

We received £189,693 in funding for the local Healthwatch contract from our local authority in 2020-21 – this is 12% less than the previous year


If you need this report in a different format, please email [email protected] or call 01302 965450

Healthwatch Doncaster - Annual Report 2020-21

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