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    The NHS is asking patients to seek emergency care if they need to during industrial action and take simple steps to help ensure care is available to patients who need it most.
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    Men in Conisbrough and Denaby are being encouraged to get onboard a new campaign to spot the early warning signs of cancer.
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    Thousands of Doncaster women are not taking advantage of a potentially life-saving health check, latest NHS figures reveal.
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    The Royal College of Nursing are to undertake industrial action on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 January 2023
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    Doncaster’s new roving vaccination van is taking to the streets to encourage people who’ve not yet had their Covid jab to come forward and protect themselves this winter.
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    Over the course of four days next week, starting on Monday 6 February, further industrial action will be taken across South Yorkshire for ambulance services, paramedics, call handlers, including those covering NHS 111.
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    A team which supports new and expectant mums in Doncaster to quit smoking is raising awareness of the impact that smoking has on the health and wellbeing of their babies.
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    Following a review by the organisation’s Infection Prevention and Control team, masking requirements at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals (DBTH) have eased as of Monday 20 March 2023.
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    The South Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) is delighted to announce the launch of a radical integrated care partnership strategy.
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    Senior doctors and nurses at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals (DBTH) are urging local people to use health services wisely this Easter Bank Holiday weekend.
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    South Yorkshire residents who are eligible for a spring covid booster vaccine are being invited to grab a jab as the NHS Covid-19 Vaccination Programme begins this week.
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    The UK’s leading gynaecological cancer charity, The Eve Appeal, has published new survey findings to launch its annual fundraising and awareness-raising campaign Get Lippy, which runs throughout May.
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    Following changes made during the pandemic, the shuttle service at Doncaster Royal Infirmary (DRI) will return to its usual route, with a few key variations.
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    Please review our range of attached resources, developed for use across South Yorkshire to support access to adult vaccinations for those that require or find helpful easy read materials and visual media.
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    In the past week, the Care Quality Commission published 196 reports on services which have been inspected by specialist teams of inspectors.
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    NHS South Yorkshire is proud to announce that “The Doncaster Community Mental Health Crisis Alternatives Alliance” has been successfully selected as a finalist for the Diversity in Innovation Award at this year's Innovate Awards.
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    Doctors and nurses at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals (DBTH) are urging local people to use health services wisely throughout the long-weekend (26 to 28 August).
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    Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals has launched a three-month pilot of a new health and wellbeing initiative which will offer free period sanitary products to female employees.
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    NHS South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance are encouraging people to see their GP if they notice changes to their body this Breast Cancer Awareness month.
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    A mother and son, who both work at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals, are nominated for two separate accolades at their annual Star Awards event.